What is FuCo Wine


FuCo stands for the almost philosophical approach to wine by Felix, around Full Consciousness. This is how Felix defines his criteria were Sustainability, Diversity, History and Respect are the bullet points. Full Consciousness means that the elaboration helps to sustain quality production at risk of extinction. Revealing unique regions and ecosystems, recover traditional processing methods, safeguard native breeds or local and autochthonous grape varieties. Essential for us is the balance between Environmental and Social Sustainability, in other words, We just don´t give value only to excluding synthetic chemical substances and maintaining traditional farming practices, We also believe in the Cultural and Social impact. The Producers must have an active role and total autonomy in the management of their activity; to generate revenue and work overtime and to achieve Eco-efficiency. In the rational use of available resources but at the same time safeguarding and preserving cultural practices that are at risk of vanishing, maintaining biodiversity, and guaranteeing the integrity of ecosystems.
